Post by digihzdata on Oct 22, 2006 8:30:34 GMT
How do i make changes in the filerequester plugin soo that i can use it as a save file requester?
What i'm looking for is the ability to just input a filename in the GUI_INPUT "File name" and hit the ok button to save a file.
As it is now the user must first select a file in the list and THEN he can type in a suitible name.
I would of corse like the user to directly type in the filename he wants to save without selecting a file in the list first.
Anyone have a solution to this?
Post by digihzdata on Oct 22, 2006 10:13:55 GMT
I think i got it to work. My changes in File_PLG.bb (starting at line 217)
If EV_GAD_RELEASE(XL_OK) XL_DONE=True If GUI_GADTEXT$(XL_FIL_NAME)="";added by digihz XL_DIR$="";added by digihz End If;added by digihz EndIf
If EV_GAD_RELEASE(XL_CANCEL) XL_DONE=True XL_SEL_FILE.io_FILE=Null RET$="";added by digihz XL_DIR$="";added by digihz GUI_SETTEXT(XL_FIL_NAME,"");added by digihz EndIf
Flip Wend ChangeDir XL_OLDDIR$ ;If XL_SEL_FILE<>Null;remarked by digihz ;RET$=XL_SEL_FILE\PATH$+GUI_GADTEXT$(XL_FIL_NAME);remarked by digihz RET$=XL_DIR$+GUI_GADTEXT$(XL_FIL_NAME);added by digihz DebugLog RET$ ;EndIf;remarked by digihz
Anyone knows if this is a safe way or not?
Well, now i can type in a name whithout selecting a file in the list.
Post by mjhszxy on Jul 28, 2008 1:39:32 GMT